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Bolton Youth Soccer Association

Bolton Youth Soccer Association


Please read the following important notes regarding Soccer!

Field Safety:
-       Please keep players and siblings off of nets, goal frames, wheels
-       Please keep players and siblings on field side of fence
-       There is a stream in woods (a strong lure for kids), so please keep an eye on all your children

Parking at Forbush:
As you may have noticed, the parking lot can get very crowded at peak times on Saturday mornings. Please follow these guidelines to help minimize the issues:

-       Please car pool if possible
-       Please don’t linger after games, we’ve timed them in an attempt to have one group leave before the next is due to arrive
-       Do not block the circle (counter-clockwise) in the parking lot
-       Do not park on the triangle of grass at the entrance – it makes exiting dangerous
-       If you must park along Forbush Mill Road, please do so along the field side from the parking lot towards Lancaster. And, pull off the road as far as possible.

REMINDER – ZERO TOLERANCE Policy Regarding Referees:
Most of our referees are between 10 and 16 years old. It is hard to train and retain good referees, so BYSA, and our U10+ league NVYSL, have a Zero Tolerance Policy regarding abuse of Referees.  Every coach and all spectators shall support the referee. Failure to do so undermines the referee's authority and has the potential to create a hostile environment for players, the referee, and all the other participants and spectators.

The bottom line of this policy is:      No coach or spectator is to address the referee during the game!

The full NVYSL by-law is available here:

Cheering vs. Coaching:
Ever wonder why your child doesn’t play on the parent side of the field?... ( primarily for U10+ parents) …It’s because he/she doesn’t want to be subjected to parental coaching (i.e.,y’all yell too much).

There is no need for coaching from parents. In fact, there is little need for a coach to talk directly to players on the field during a game. Unlike most other sports, soccer games do not provide frequent opportunities for active coaching – no time outs, infrequent substitutions, no huddles. The players on the field must make their own decisions and apply what they have learned during training without input from the sidelines.

Cheering, on the other hand, is encouraged! What’s the difference between cheering and coaching, you ask?

Cheering:     “Go ”     “Good Job”     “Nice Pass”
                    “Great Hustle”    “Unlucky”       “Well Done”

            Positive reinforcement only!

Coaching:     “Kick it”         “Pass it”     “Boot it”        “Shoot Now”

            Telling a player what to do.

NVYSL Six (6) Goal Differential Rule for U10+:
Our U10+ league NVYSL has implemented a sportsmanship guideline that strongly encourages dominant teams to limit their margin of victory to six (6) goals or fewer. A coach from each team has signed an NVYSL Coach Pledge with this clause. NVYSL provides a number of tactics for coaches to use to help implement the restriction.

So, if your team is dominating, please don’t encourage excessive scoring or question why the coach has all the players passing in their own half, passing to the opponent’s keeper, or shooting with their left foot only.


Bolton Youth Soccer Association
PO Box 21 
Bolton, Massachusetts 01740

Email: [email protected]

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