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Bolton Youth Soccer Association

Bolton Youth Soccer Association

Pre-K, K & Grade 1-2 Guidelines

·               Tools: Whistle, stopwatch, coin, voice, hand signals, (pencil/paper to track quarters/half, score). If you can, have two whistles - each having a different sound. This will come in handy when you ref a game in close proximity to another where the other ref has a similar sounding whistle.
·               Arrive early enough to walk the field and check for safety problems like rocks, glass, and divots/holes. Also check the goals to make sure they're anchored with a sandbag or two on the goal frame (not the netting).
·               Visit coaches, introduce yourself, bring up any issues you found on your field check. Also cover how you'll be handling and calling throw-ins. Note that younger age groups will implement kick-ins in place of throw ins. Verify times for subbing and quarters/halves.
·               Check the players to see if they’re wearing something that may harm themselves or other players (jewelry, earrings, watches).   Check cleats, shin pads.
·               Check the game ball. Make sure it’s a size #3. Insure it’s not over or under inflated. Also inspect to make sure cover is in good shape with no sharp pieces between panels.
·               Insure that the match gets started on time, particularly if there’s another to follow. Get the captain(s) and perform coin flip (winner chooses which goal to defend, loser kicks off.)
·               How far can defenders be from ball on kickoffs and free kicks? Throwins?
·               Safety 1st. If a player appears injured, error on the side of caution, blow the whistle and restart with a drop ball (assuming it was still in play.)
·               Position yourself to get a good view of the action. Make calls but don’t become part of or obstruct the play. Remember, you’re part of the field.
·               Apply the laws of soccer recalling exceptions for small-sided play.    Pre-game inspection time is a good chance to communicate with the players and let them know you’re there for fairness and safety and that you want them to have a good soccer experience. You might give them an example of what you’ll call a handling or anything else you have to say.
·               No PK’s for Pre-K or K.   All fouls result in indirect kicks for this age group.
·               Be loud enough with whistle and voice so that everyone in the area can hear your call. Make sure there’s no doubt.   Example: “Green kick, going this way.” Use hand signals.
·               Pre-K – 3 v 3 No goalie or penalty area. 8 minute quarters or 16 minute halves. 5 minutes between halves. 2 minutes between quarters (if used). Kick-in takes the place of throw in.

– 3 v 3 No goalie. 10 minute quarters or 20 minute halves. 5 minute between halves. 2 minutes between quarters (if used). Kick-in takes the place of throw in.

Grade 1-2 – 4 v 4* No goalie. 12 minute quarters or 24 minute halves. 5 minute between halves. 2 minutes between quarters (if used). Number of players may be reduced due to sub availability.
·               Get started on time, particularly if another game is to follow. If match starts late you can cut the quarter or half time breaks or shorten the last quarter/half of play as needed Advise coaches.
·               Blow whistle twice for quarter/half, Three times for end of match.

* - General guidelines for players per side.  Adjusted based on available players, e.g., play 3 v 3 if needed.


Bolton Youth Soccer Association
PO Box 21 
Bolton, Massachusetts 01740

Email: [email protected]

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